Monday, December 30, 2019

An Analysis Of Jim Crow s The Color Purple - 1972 Words

Qinying Sun Ms. Hughes English 10, 5th period 2016/5/18 To mutely comply is to survive, to firmly defy is to live: The Impact of Jim Crow in The Color Purple Coward is how people refer to someone who lacks the courage to face a plight; but what if its hardness is impregnable for a single person, though the ambition to revolt never dies? At the end of the 19th century, Jim Crow was defined as a system that imposed racial segregation and discrimination on African Americans. Under the Jim Crow system, the official slogan separate but equal perfectly separated people of different races but did no effort to genuinely treat them equally (Jim Crow Movement). Alice Walker s The Color Purple is set in this Jim Crow time period and vividly portrays the lives of those who suffered under the Jim Crow system. Sofia, an intrepid woman who openly defies what she sees as wrong, is put into jail when she confronts Miss Millie, the wife of the mayor. After years of imprisonment and hard labor, Sofia becomes the maid to Miss Millie and takes care of Miss Millie s daughter, Miss Eleanor Jane. In The Color Purple, the Jim Crow system can be observed through the author s depictions of the daily discrimination her characters face. During the first half of the 20th century, the Jim Crow system consisted of daily discrimination against blacks by whites, which was caused by an unjust justice system and entrenched social stereotypes. A better understanding of the harsh treatment sufferedShow MoreRelatedThe Color Purple By Alice Walker1540 Words   |  7 Pagesis an award winning   author, most famously recognized for her novel   The Color Purple ;aside from being a novelist Walker is also a poet,essayist and activist .Her writing explores various social aspects as it concerns women and also celebrates political as well as social revolution. Walker has gained the reputation of being a prominent spokesperson and a symbolic figure for black feminism. Proper analyzation   of Walker s work comes from the   knowledge on her early life, educational background andRead MoreThe Final Project : Being Black Essay1674 Words   |  7 Pagesthe f irst step in America is to acknowledge the existence of white culture and to start taking drastic steps in educating white youth at home and church. By ignoring the existence of the very culture you are part of is not a solution. Since the 1990’s studies on white culture have focused on â€Å"how whiteness has led to racial domination and hegemony, in white American culture is simply called â€Å"American† thereby presuming that black, Native American, Asian, or Hispanic cultures are not â€Å"American† butRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 Pagesmoney From multiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visual and audio resources, WileyPLUS gives you everything you need to personalize the teaching and learning experience.  » F i n d o u t h ow t o M A K E I T YO U R S  » ALL THE HELP, RESOURCES, AND PERSONAL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS NEED! 2-Minute Tutorials and all of the resources you your students need to get started Student support from an experiencedRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pageslooking at alternative actions that can be taken, then considering the probable good consequences of each action and the probable bad consequences while weighing the positive and negative impact of each consequence. It’s a kind of cost-benefit analysis. Exercises 1. Columbus Day is an American holiday. Write a short essay that weighs the pros and cons and then comes to a decision about whether there should be more or less public celebration (by Americans and their institutions) on Columbus

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Of The Heart Of Darkness - 1207 Words

Noel Guillen Mr.Nigro English 8/12/17 The Heart of Darkness and the Secret Sharer Annotated Bibliography Zeitler, Michael. â€Å"Isolation in Heart of Darkness.† Encyclopedia of Themes in Literature, 3-Volume Set, Facts on File, 2010. Blooms Literature, of darkness. Accessed 30 Nov. 2017. Early in the narration of the heart of the darkness, it starts as Marlow the fellow sailor traveler that has an adventuress mindset but he is a very quiet and in his own mind. Marlow from the beginning he shows himself as an isolated figure and an outsider who is apart from the other seamen and even within the Nellie of the river he is a very sensitive observer and seems too distinct himself from among†¦show more content†¦Her belief is that the white men go to the regions to benefit upon the savages, but in his opinion, it’s the opposite, where the white men’s view is entirely wrong. His sense of isolation increases when he sees several areas in the Cong o. The areas display the failures of the white men’s control and the suffering of the so-called â€Å"savages†. He realizes that the cruelty present in the white man creates a barrier between him and the white men living in the Congo. ACHEBE, CHINUA. An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrads Heart of Darkness. Massachusetts Review, vol. 57, no. 1, Spring2016, pp. 14-27. EBSCOhost, Achebe discusses in the fall of 1974 a woman met a man and a professor that taught an English class. This awaked unknowingly man had a huge enthusiasm about the fact on how very young this woman was and if she was a student at the University of Massachusetts. The women replied with a no and with a response of she was a teacher and how she taught African literature. When the women told him that she taught this literature he was amazed by how someone else as him taught the same thing. After this encounter this man conveys to the women he would like to take her course maybe one day and she later receives letters from a few students from Yonkers New York asking about how they need toShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poes Sorrows1033 Words   |  5 PagesOn April 15, 1829 however, Edgar was discharged from the army. During that time he kept writing and published Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor problems in December of 1829. Al Aaraaf was said to be very difficult to comprehend and represented the darkness that existed in Poe’s life. His sadness and challenges that he faced since being orphaned was portrayed throughout the story. It expressed â€Å"disillusionment with the world and escape into some more congenial realm of dream or of the imagination† (MeltzerRead MoreSummary Of In A Lonely Place By Gregory Crewdson961 Words   |  4 PagesAnnotated Bibliography S. Jacqueline Nicolini Crewdson, Gregory. In a Lonely Place. Aperture, no. 190, Spring2008, pp. 78-89. Gregory Crewdson is a contemporary America fine art photographer. Crewdson is best known for his elaborately staged scenes built to perfection—down to the most minute detail— with the assistance of large production teams. Using small-town America as a backdrop, Crewdson creates hauntingly surreal images that show people in the moment of disconnect and isolation. In his essayRead MoreOthello: Admirable Leader but Poor Rationalist 966 Words   |  4 Pageswhere men speak truthfully to one another. Also, the given circumstances of state and warfare are rather straightforward; no one deceives Othello because as leader he should be esteemed. This one-dimensional view does not help him in issues of the heart though. Thus the main assessment of Othello must be that, even though he leads well and means well, he lacks sensible judgment and common wisdom. Evidently in his concluding two speeches, where Othello didn’t entirely understand the situation and notRead MoreElean or Roosevelt2144 Words   |  9 Pagesindividual whom would later be considered one of the world’s most influential women was born. Eleanor Roosevelt was born in New York to her parents Anna Hall Roosevelt and Elliot Roosevelt. With her blue eyes and light brown hair, she would warm the heart of every individual she came across. She grew to be five feet and eleven inches, which to this day makes her the tallest first lady. With regards of being the first lady she never regarded herself as a V.I.P., however she demonstrated her status withRead MoreHinduism and Christianity3026 Words   |  13 PagesJohn 8:12, â€Å"I am the light of the world: he who follows me will not walk in darkness but have the light of life.† The Hindu scriptures paint a similar picture as the Mundaka Upanishad says that men are â€Å"living in the abyss of ignorance, yet wise in their own conceit, the deluded go round and round, like the blind led by the blind.† Like Christ, the leadin g Hindu incarnation of God, Krishna, declares â€Å"I destroy the darkness born of ignorance with the shining light of wisdom† (Bhagavad Gita). The

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Sheltered Instruction and the English Language Learner Free Essays

Each twelvemonth, the United States has become more ethnically and linguistically diverse, with more than 90 per centum of recent immigrants coming from non-English speech production states. There are presently more than 10.5 million school-aged kids in the United States who live in places in which a linguistic communication other than English is spoken. We will write a custom essay sample on Sheltered Instruction and the English Language Learner or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some of these pupils are fluid in English, while others are non ( U.S. Census Bureau, 2005 ) . Guaranting that pupils who are non fluid in English receive a quality instruction, and have a quality instruction, and achieve the same academic success as their English proficient equals, is an indispensable portion of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act ( ESEA ) , as reauthorized by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 ( NCLB ) , ( U.S. Department of Education, 2007 ) . Harmonizing to the National Clearinghouse for Language Acquisition ( 2007 ) , informations submitted by provinces indicate that there are about 5 million pupils classified as Limited English proficient ( LEP ) through their engagement in a Title III appraisal of English Language proficiency. Harmonizing to the U.S. Census, LEP pupils are among the fastest-growing demographic group of pupils in the United States. While the overall school population has grown by less than 3 per centum in the last 10 old ages, the figure of LEP pupils has increased by more than 60 per centum in that same clip. While the figure of pupils with limited proficiency in English has grown exponentially across the United States, their degree of academic accomplishment has lagged significantly behind that of their linguistic communication bulk equals ( Echevarria, Vogt, A ; Short, 2004 ) . These findings reflect turning grounds that most schools are non run intoing the challenge of educating linguistically and culturally diverse pupils good. This deficiency of success in educating ELLs is debatable because federal and province authoritiess expect all pupils to run into high criterions and have adjusted national and province appraisals to reflect new degrees of accomplishment and to suit demands under the NCLB Act of 2001. In add-on, the criterions motion, which is brushing the United States, has straight impacted the course of study and methodological analysis of K-8 ESL plans ( Echevarria et al. , 2008 ) . Second linguistic communication scholars, every bit good as mainstream pupils, are now requ ired to larn state-prescribed content course of study and show this cognition through public presentation on state-mandated trials. In add-on, TESOL ‘S ESL Standards for Pre-K-12 pupils has focused attending on the acquisition demands of ELLs by bridging the spread between traditional ESL course of study and the development of academic proficiencies ( TESOL, 2007 ) . Although these authorizations will hold a positive impact on the instruction of ELLs, they present instructional challenges to ELL and mainstream instructors who work with 2nd linguistic communication scholars ( Echevarria et al. , 2008 ) . Once pupils have been identified as LEP utilizing state-approved ELP appraisal, their school territories must find the type of research-based Language Instruction Educational Program ( LIEP ) for K-12 LEP pupils that will function their pupils best. Title III requires territories to supply high quality LIEPs that are based on scientifically based research showing the effectivity of the plan ( National Clearinghouse for Language Acquisition, 2007 ) . One such plan that focuses on developing literacy in English is Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol ( SIOP ) . Sheltered Instruction ( SI ) is non a plan, it is a procedure of readying, direction and appraisal that is centered on clearly communicated content and linguistic communication larning marks. It is a procedure of learning content to English Language Learners in a mode that will guarantee their academic success while advancing their development of the English linguistic communication. Sheltered Instruction is delivered to ELL pupils through relevant, meaningful, and comprehendible agencies. There is no set method ( s ) on how to shelter direction ; nevertheless, the end of this procedure should be to guarantee that whatever construct or larning nonsubjective is being taught to the pupils is clearly understood by them. Therefore, the direction should be sheltered to the extent that it matches the pupils ‘ linguistic communication ability to understand the lesson. The term â€Å" sheltered † refers to the agencies for doing academic content comprehensible for English scholars while they develop English proficiency. Classrooms with sheltered direction learning methods may be used in self-contained ELL classes that contain both English talkers and English scholars. The schemes identified in SIOP are important for English scholars and may turn out good to other scholars as good ( Echevarria et al. , 2008 ) . The SI attack must non be viewed as a set of extra or replacement instructional techniques that instructors utilize in their schoolrooms. The sheltered attack draws from and regards methods and schemes advocated for both 2nd linguistic communication and mainstream schoolrooms. The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol provides concrete illustrations of the characteristics of sheltered direction that can heighten and spread out instructors ‘ direction. SIOP organizes 30 characteristics of good lessons for English scholars into eight overarching constituents: Preparation, Building background, Comprehensible Input, Strategies, Interaction, Practice/Application, Lesson Delivery, and Review/Assessment. These constituents emphasize the instructional patterns that are critical for ELLs every bit good as high-quality patterns that benefit all pupils. Lesson planning and readying are critical to both the pupil ‘s and the instructor ‘s success. For optimal acquisition to take topographic point, be aftering must bring forth lessons that will enable the pupils to do connexions between their ain cognition and experiences, and the new information being taught ( Bouchard, 2005 ) . With careful planning, acquisition is made more meaningful and relevant by including appropriate motivation stuffs and activities that promote real-life application of constructs studied. In effectual direction for ELLs, concrete content aims that identify what pupils should cognize and be able to make should be the steering force for learning and larning. These aims should back up school-district and state-content criterions and larning results. Foe English scholars, content aims for each lesson need to be stated merely, orally and in authorship, and tied to specific grade degree criterions ( Echevarria A ; Graves, 2007 ) . An effectual lesson program focuses on merchandises and larning straight related to these aims. While carefully be aftering and presenting content aims, sheltered direction instructors should besides integrate in their lesson programs techniques that support pupils ‘ linguistic communication development ( Short, 1999 ) . As with content aims, linguistic communication aim should be stated clearly and merely both orally and in composing. A broad assortment of linguistic communication aims can be planned harmonizing to the ends and activities in the lesson. Language objectives may concentrate on vocabulary development, reading comprehension accomplishments pattern, objectives that focal point on functional linguistic communication usage, higher-order thought accomplishments, every bit good as specific grammar accomplishments. Planing should besides affect careful consideration of the content constructs and grade-level content criterions to be taught. In sheltered schoolrooms, this involves guaranting that although the stuff may be adapted to run into the demands of ELLs, the content should non be diminished. When be aftering lessons around content constructs, the followers should be considered: ( 1 ) the pupils ‘ first linguistic communication literacy ( L1 ) , ( 2 ) their English proficiency degree ( L2 ) , ( 3 ) their reading ability, ( 4 ) the cultural and age rightness of the L2 stuffs, and ( 5 ) the trouble degree of the stuff to be read ( Gunderson, 1991 ) . Lesson readying should besides reflect the sum of background experience needed to larn and use the content constructs, and include ways to trip pupils ‘ anterior cognition. A reader ‘s scheme, or cognition of the universe, provides a footing for understanding, acquisition, and retrieving facts and thoughts presented. Students with cognition of a subject have better callback and are better able to lucubrate on facets of the subject than those who have limited cognition of subjects ( Hill, 2007 ) . Harrell A ; Jordan ( 2004 ) have suggested that when readers lack the anterior cognition necessary to read, three major instructional intercessions need to be considered: ( 1 ) Teach vocabulary as a prereading measure ; ( 2 ) provide experiences ; and ( 3 ) present a conceptual model that will enable pupils to construct appropriate background for themselves. In sheltered direction lessons for ELLs, instructors select words that are critical for understanding the text or stuff and supply a assortment of ways for pupils to larn, retrieve, and utilize the words in meaningful contexts. There are multiple ways that background experiences can be created or ways that instructors can utilize the experiences that pupils bring. Connecting the pupils ‘ ain background experiences to the text, triping their background cognition and showing background information about the text to be read are all effectual ways of increasing comprehension for ELLs. The 3rd intercession, supplying ways for p upils to construct background cognition, can be accomplished by learning ELLs to utilize in writing organisers and other auxiliary stuffs. Effective SI involves the usage of many auxiliary stuffs that support the nucleus course of study and contextualize acquisition ( Echevarria et al. , 2008 ) . Auxiliary stuffs provide a real-life context and enable ELL pupils to bridge anterior experiences with new larning. These attacks can be used throughout a lesson and supply ways for doing the text accessible for all pupils thereby accommodating them so that the content constructs are left integral ( Short, 1991 ) . Effective sheltered direction takes into history the alone features of English scholars. For ELLs, the instructor makes verbal communicating more comprehendible by consciously go toing to the pupils ‘ lingual demands. Making accommodations to speech so that the message to the pupils is apprehensible is referred to as comprehendible input ( Krashen, 1985 ) . In the SI schoolroom, instructors invariably modulate and adjust their address when learning ELLs to guarantee that the context is comprehendible. Concepts are taught utilizing a assortment of techniques, including mold, gestures, hands-on activities, and presentations, so that pupils understand and learn the content stuff. Effective SI instructors besides provide accounts of academic undertakings that make clear what pupils are expected to carry through and that promote pupil success ( Echevarria et al. , 2008 ) . English scholars benefit from structured chances to utilize and pattern English in multiple scenes and across content countries. Harmonizing to Echevarria et Al. ( 2008 ) surveies have indicated, that in most schoolrooms, instructors dominate the lingual facets of the lesson, go forthing pupils badly limited in footings of chances to utilize linguistic communication in a assortment of ways. In the SI schoolroom, content categories are structured so that pupils are interacting in a collaborative probe of a organic structure of cognition. This SIOP component emphasizes the importance of equilibrating lingual turn-taking between the instructor and pupils, and among pupils. Students benefit from utilizing and practising English as a agency of showing their thoughts, sentiments, and replies. SI lessons are structured in ways that promote pupil treatment and they strive to supply a more balanced lingual exchange between pupils and their instructors. Teachers in Sheltered Instruction school rooms must make multiple chances for ELL pupils to utilize the English linguistic communication in order to spread out their verbal and written responses. ELL pupils will merely go proficient in English if they pattern the linguistic communication in reliable state of affairss. Frequent pattern reduces pupils ‘ anxiousness while take parting in category treatments and encourages them to take hazards in utilizing the linguistic communication ( Herrell et al. , 2004 ) . Integrating a figure of grouping constellations into lessons frequently facilitates utilizing English in ways that besides supports the lessons ‘ aims. Sheltered Direction categories are characterized by a assortment of grouping constructions, including single work, spouses, threes, little groups of four, concerted acquisition groups, and whole groups ( Hill, 2007 ) . Groups may besides change in that they may be homogenous or heterogenous by gender, linguistic communication proficiency, linguistic communication background, and/or ability. Using a assortment of grouping schemes helps to keep pupils ‘ involvement and increases their engagement in the acquisition procedure. It besides increases the opportunity that a pupil ‘s preferable manner of direction, or larning manner, will be matched ( Echevarria et al. , 2004 ) . Practice and application of freshly acquired accomplishments are needed for ELL pupils to guarantee command of content constructs. In the SI schoolroom, for pupils geting English, the demand to use the new information is of import because discoursing and making do abstract constructs concrete ( Echevarria et al. , 2007 ) . Application can happen in a figure of ways, such as bunch, utilizing in writing organisers, work outing jobs in concerted acquisition groups, composing in diaries, and treatment circles ( Bouchard, 2005 ) . These activities involve ELLs in relevant, meaningful application of what they are larning. For English scholars, application must besides include chances for them to pattern linguistic communication cognition in the schoolroom. Opportunities for societal interaction promote linguistic communication development can be achieved through treatment, working with spouses and little groups and describing out information orally and in authorship ( Bouchard, 2005 ) . Reading, composing, hearing, and talking are complex, cognitive linguistic communication processes that are interrelated and integrated ( Echevarria et al. , 2004 ) . Sheltered Instruction creates chances for ELLs to pattern and utilize all four spheres in an incorporate mode. ELLs benefit from multiple experiences that incorporate reading, promote interactions with others, supply the opportunity to listen to equals ‘ thoughts, and promote composing about what it is that they are larning. Besides, by learning through pupils ‘ preferred acquisition manners and encouraging pupils to pattern and use new cognition through multiple linguistic communication spheres, they will hold a more chances to develop their linguistic communication and content country cognition. Effective instructors of sheltered direction incorporate reappraisal and appraisal into their day-to-day lessons. In SI schoolrooms it is of import to find how good ELL pupils have understood and retained cardinal vocabulary and content constructs. Students, particularly those at the early phases of English proficiency, give considerable clip and energy into calculating out what the instructor is stating or the text is stating them at a basic degree ( Echevarria et al. , 2004 ) . Because of this, they are much less able to find which information among all they input they are having is most of import to retrieve. Teachers must hence take the clip to reexamine and sum up throughout the lesson non merely at the terminal as a wrap-up activity. SI helps pupils develop cardinal vocabulary by learning and so reexamining nomenclature and constructs through analogy and associating freshly learned words to other new words with the same construction or forms. Reviewing vocabulary besides involves pulling pupils ‘ attending to strain, parts of address, and sentence construction. Repeating and reenforcing linguistic communication forms helps ELLs become familiar with English constructions. In add-on, multiple exposures to identify vocabulary besides build acquaintance, assurance, and English proficiency. The more exposure pupils have to new words, particularly if the vocabulary is reinforced through multiple modes, the more likely they are to retrieve and utilize them ( Herrell et al. , 2004 ) . Students may pull a image to picture a construct or to retrieve a word. ELLs can show word significance through physical gestures or move out several words within the context of function drama. Activities that engage pupils in synergi stic pattern with words are effectual ways to advance academic linguistic communication development for ELL pupils ( Echevarria et al. , 2007 ) . Merely as it is of import to reexamine cardinal vocabulary throughout a lesson, it is besides indispensable that English scholars have cardinal content constructs reviewed during and at the terminal of a lesson ( Echavarria et al. , 2004 ) . Understandings are scaffolded in SI lessons when instructors stop and briefly sum up, along with the pupils ‘ engagement, the cardinal content covered to that point in the lesson. Students can besides sum up with spouses, write in diaries, or possibly list cardinal points on the board. For ELLs, it is of import to associate the reappraisal to the content aims so that the pupils stay focused on the indispensable content constructs of the lesson ( Echavarria et al. , 2008 ) . Appraisal occurs throughout a lesson to find if pupils are understanding and applying linguistic communication and content aims. Assessment must be linked to the direction and needs to aim the lesson aims. Merely as pupils need to cognize what the aims are, they need to be informed about how and what type of appraisals they will hold. Toward the terminal of the lesson, pupils ‘ progressed is assessed to find whether it is appropriate to travel on or to reexamine and reteach. Appraisals can be informal, reliable, multidimensional, and include multiple indexs that reflect pupil acquisition, accomplishment, and attitudes ( Hill, 2007 ) . As instructors in SI schoolrooms prepare for formal and informal appraisals, it is of import to observe that linguistic communication and content are intertwined in sheltered categories, dividing one from the other in the assessment procedure can be hard but necessary. When pupils demonstrate trouble or deficiency of public presentation, instructo rs need to find if it is the content that has non been mastered, or if it is a deficiency of English proficiency that is interfering with their acquisition and application of information. By be aftering multiple appraisals such as public presentation based undertakings, portfolios, diaries and undertakings, in add-on to more formalistic trials, pupils are given chances to show their cognition much more to the full. Assessment assortment is of import for ELLs because they are frequently unfamiliar with the type of standardised trials required in U.S. schools and may hold different testing and acquisition manners. Finally, to the extent possible, pupils should be evaluated on their personal advancement to find if acquisition has taken topographic point. In SI schoolrooms, where pupils frequently have different degrees of English linguistic communication proficiency, the value of multiple appraisals becomes evident. If instructors gather baseline informations on what their pupils know and can make with the content information before direction occurs and so what they know and can make afterwards, this can take to supportive feedback, and can supply for just and comprehensive judgements about pupil public presentation. In SI schoolrooms, there is a high degree of pupil battle and interaction with the instructor, with other pupils, and with text, which leads to lucubrate discourse and critical thought ( Echevarria et al. , 2008 ) . ELL pupils are explicitly taught functional linguistic communication accomplishments every bit good as how to negociate significance, confirm information, argue, persuade, and disagree. Teachers of SI introduce pupils to the schoolroom discourse community and demonstrate accomplishments such as taking bends in a conversation and disrupting courteously to inquire for elucidation. Through instructional conversation and meaningful activities, pupils pattern their English and content cognition. Sheltered direction, specifically SIOP, is characterized by careful attending to Ells typical 2nd linguistic communication development demands ( Echevarria et al. , 2007 ) . Sheltered direction plays a major function in a assortment of educational plan designs ( Genesee, 1999 ) . It may be portion of an ESL plan, a late-exit bilingual plan, a bipartisan bilingual submergence plan, a newcomer plan, or a foreign linguistic communication submergence plan. For pupils analyzing content-based ELL classs, SI frequently provides the span to the mainstream and the sum of SI provided should increase as pupils move toward passage out of these plans. Harmonizing to Echevarria et Al. ( 2008 ) any plan in which pupils are larning content through a non-native linguistic communication should utilize the sheltered direction attack. Mentions Bouchard, M. ( 2005 ) . Comprehension schemes for English linguistic communication scholars. New York: Scholastic Books. Echevarria, J. , A ; Graves, A. ( 2007 ) . Sheltered content direction: Teaching English linguistic communication scholars with diverse disablements 3rd edition: Allyn and Bacon, 16-21, 56-72. Echevarria, J. , Vogt, M. , A ; Short, D. ( 2008 ) . Making content comprehendible for English scholars: The SIOP theoretical account 3rd edition: Allyn and Bacon. Echevarria, J. , Vogt, M. , A ; Short, D. ( 2004 ) . Making content comprehendible for English scholars: The SIOP theoretical account 2nd edition: Allyn and Bacon. Genesee, F. ( 1999 ) . Program options for linguistically diverse pupils. Educational Practice Report No.1. Washington, DC: Center for Research on Education, Diversity A ; Excellence. Gunderson, L. ( 1991 ) . ESL literacy direction: A guidebook to theory and pattern. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Regents/Prentice hall. Harrell, A. , A ; Jordan, M. ( 2004 ) . 50 schemes for learning English linguistic communication scholars 2nd edition. Upper saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Mentions Hill, J. ( 2007 ) . A participant ‘s manual for schoolroom direction that works for English linguistic communication scholars. Denver, Col: Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning, 32-38. Krashen, S. ( 1985 ) . The input hypothesis: Issues and deductions. New York: Longman. National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition. ( 2007a. ) . Adjustments for English linguistic communication scholars. Washington, DC: Writer. Retrieved July 16, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Short, D. ( 1999 ) . Integrating linguistic communication and content for effectual sheltered direction plans. New York: Teachers College Press. Retrieved July 8, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages ( TESOL ) . ( 2007 ) . Meeting the challenges of content direction. Retrieved July 16, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey. ( 2005 ) . Characteristics of people who talk a linguistic communication other than English at place. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // _event= A ; geo_id=01000US A ; _geo How to cite Sheltered Instruction and the English Language Learner, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Internet Users Turn Into Addictes Essay Example For Students

Internet Users Turn Into Addictes Essay Internet Users turn into Addicts As I sit here and look across the street, I see my neighbor in front of his own computer; the screen glowing against the window behind him. He does not use his personal computer for work, he is a farmer. He has become what is known as an Internet Junky. Internet means a network of networks, a super highway that links online services and computer networks at companies, universities, and government agencies all around the world. Internet usage has become very popular with in the past years. It is used for entertainment, communication and resources. It has become an important tool which many people have in their homes and children as well as adults are able to use it. The Internet plays a very important role in technology today, however there can be many negative aspects of Internet usage which can lead to addiction. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) is a big threat to users. It has symptoms that can mislead your life, family and job. Some symptoms users have are as follows, anxiety, psychomotor agitation and persistent desire to go on the net. The Internet is rapidly becoming an addictive source. The users may not be aware of this since it begins slowly. The addiction begins innocently. At the start, you are not even aware of the possibilities that may form from your excessive computer use. You begin to take an avid interest in e-mailing with your friends and family. Once the novelty of keeping in touch through e-mail wears off, and researching starts to bore you, you may possibly expand your computer usage to chatting. Internet usage is becoming more acceptable in our lives, but it is looked down upon by many skeptics. Chatting through the Internet involves choosing an appropriate nickname for yourself, such as Hotstuff, and then finding a chat room of interest. Once you entered that chat room, other fellow chatters may say, Helloa/s/l (age/sex/location) please. These are a few of the negative aspects of internet usage which can lead to addiction. The user may not be aware of this since it begins slowly. Once you become involved in meeting online, it is difficult to break such a habit. You may even make a daily habit of it. I think people have been found to carry out exactly the same behavior, not only in the United States, but also through out the world. The Internet plays a very important role in technology today. In any one chat room, you may come across people from five different countries around the globe. Granted, not everyone stays online for hours on end and involved in chatting, but it is more often than not the cause for the Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). The prevalence of Internet Addiction Disorder has been increasing in number. There is even a support group, The Internet Addiction Support Group (IASG). This has been developed because IAD or maladaptive pattern for Internet use, is leading to impairment and/or distress. These are more negative aspects of Internet usage, which can be addictive. If an internet user experiences three or more of the following behaviors within a one year time period, they are considered to have IAD. These are a need for markedly increased amounts of time on the Inte rnet to achieve satisfaction, markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of time on Internet and reduction in Internet use which has been prolonged. Symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder include: Psychomotor agitation, anxiety, obsessive thinking about what is happening on Internet, fantasies or dreams about the Internet, and voluntary or involuntary typing movements of the fingers. These symptoms begin to cause conflict in social, occupational, or another important areas of functioning. People who become addicted use the Internet to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms, which are similar to those brought on by the abrupt withdrawal from drug use. The disorder is recognized by the persistent desire or the unsuccessful efforts to minimize the Internet use. These symptoms are negative aspects of the Internet usage. ABC news reported that an Internet crazed Cincinnati woman was arrested for neglecting her three young children. The woman reportedly spent 12 straight hours online, while